South Carolina Salary and Tax Calculators
Welcome to iCalculator™ US's dedicated page for income tax calculators tailored for South Carolina. Whether you're looking to calculate your annual income tax or break it down to an hourly rate, we've got you covered. Our calculators are designed to provide you with accurate, up-to-date information to make your tax planning as straightforward as possible. You can also access Historic Tax Calculators for South Carolina (2014 - 2025) for tax return calculations for previous tax years.
South Carolina Salary and Tax Calculators
Select a periodic pay calculator below, continue reading to view the detailed instructions for this set of calculators or access alternate tax calculators in the South Carolina Tax Hub.
Why Use Our Income Tax and SalaryCalculators?
Understanding your tax obligations is crucial for financial planning, and our calculators are here to simplify that process. With user-friendly interfaces and precise calculations, you can easily estimate how much you owe or could get back from the government at the end of the tax year.
Types of Income Tax and Salary Calculators
We offer a variety of calculators to suit your specific needs, these include tax calculators which are based on payroll timeframes and how salary packages and wages are advertised for job vacancies in South Carolina. Check our the US Tax Hub for South Carolina and discover how each South Carolina tax calculator provides the same high level of detailed calculations of pay but is taiolred to allow you to enter your salary based on how you are used to being paid (hourly, daily etc.) and access results that are designed to meet specifci needs, whether you are an employer, employee, payroll manager or simply comparing the impact of tax rates and thresholds in South Carolina etc. All of the tax calculators on iCalculator™ US are updated with the latest South Carolina tax tables including tax rates for the 2025 tax year.
South Carolina Salary and Tax Calculator Features
The following features are available within this South Carolina Tax Calculator for 2025:
- Federal Income Tax Calculation: Calculated using the Federal Tax Tables and Allowances for 2025 by selecting your filing status and entering your Income for 2025 for a 2026 Federal Tax Return.
- South Carolina State Income Tax Calculation: Calculated using the South Carolina State Tax Tables and Allowances for 2025 by selecting your filing status and entering your Income for 2025 for a 2026 South Carolina State Tax Return.
- FICA: FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) combines:
Social Security Contributions: 6.2% in 2025 with a maximum contribution of $ 10,453.20 per annum and,
Medicare Contributions: 1.45% in 2025 with an additional 0.9% for those whose earnings exceed $ 200,000.00 in 2025.
NOTE if you are exempt from Social security and/or Medicare you can set your exemption by selecting advanced and then choosing the appropriate settings in the FICA section. - EITC: EITC(Earned Income Tax Credit) is calculated automatically (if you have children ensure you add them to: Number of children [for EITC]) based on your filer status, AGI (Annula Gross Income) and the EITC amounts, thresholds, credit rate and phaseout rates for 2025, these can be viewed in the Federal Tax Tables and South Carolina State Tax Tables for 2025 [Links Above].
- Standard Deductions: Federal Standard deductions areapplied automatically based on your inputs:
- Single Individuals and Married Persons Filing Separate Returns: $ 15,000.00
- Married Individuals and Surviving Spouses Filing Joint Returns: $ 30,000.00
- For Unmarried or Legally Separated Individuals who Qualify as Heads of Household: $ 22,500.00
- Additional Standard Deduction Amounts for Age or Blindness:
- if married (whether filing jointly or separately) or a qualified surviving spouse: $ 1,550.00. The additional amount is $ 3,100.00 if one spouse is 65 or over and blind, $ 3,100.00* if both spouses are 65 or over, $ 6,200.00* if both spouses are 65 or over and blind, etc.
*If married filing separately, these amounts apply only if you can claim an exemption for your spouse. - if unmarried (single): $ 2,000.00. The additional amount is $ 4,000.00 if the individual is both 65 or over and blind.
- if unmarried (head of household): $ 1,950.00. The additional amount is $ 3,900.00 if the individual is both 65 or over and blind.
- Retirement Plan Contributions (401(k), 403(b), SARSEP, and 457 plans): Calculated using the individual contributions limits for 2025: $ 22,500.00 standard with additional $ 7,500.00 catch up for those 50 or older at the end of 2025. To calculate, SELECT ADVANCED and enter the amount contributed to your plan and, if 50 or older at the end of the year, enter your age to integrate the catch up allowance in your tax calculations.
- Retirement Plan Contributions (SIMPLE plans): Calculated using the individual contributions limits for 2025: $ 15,500.00 standard with additional $ 3,500.00 catch up for those 50 or older at the end of 2025. To calculate, SELECT ADVANCED and enter the amount contributed to your plan and, if 50 or older at the end of the year, enter your age to integrate the catch up allowance in your tax calculations.
- Schedule A (Form 1040) Federal Itemized Deductions: The calculation compares the amount of Itemized deductions with the Federal Standard deduction. If the Itemized deductions exceed the standard deduction, the tax calculator will utilize the Itemized Deductions Amount to determine taxable income.
- South Carolina State Itemized Deductions: This calculation involves a comparison between the total of Itemized deductions and the standard deduction as defined by South Carolina State. Should the Itemized deductions surpass the standard deduction of South Carolina State, the tax calculator will apply the amount of Itemized Deductions to ascertain taxable income within South Carolina.
- Local Tax Calculation: To compute Local Taxes, select "Advanced" and input the percentage rate applicable to your Local Taxes.
- Calculation of Additional Tax(es): For computing Additional Taxes or Payroll deductions, choose "Advanced" and enter the percentage rate for your Additional Tax(es). In the South Carolina Tax Calculator for 2025, up to 3 additional taxes can be included.
- Additional Tax Deductions (Above-the-Line Deductions): These deductions serve to decrease your taxable income (refer to the detailed information provided below). To apply these additional deductions, choose "Advanced" and input the specific dollar amount of the deduction.
- Additional Nonrefundable Tax Credits: These tax credits serve to decrease your income tax (refer to the detailed information provided below). To apply these additional credits, choose "Advanced" and input the specific dollar amount of the credit.
- Additional Refundable Tax Credits: These deductions serve to decrease your taxable income (refer to the detailed information provided below). To apply these additional credits, choose "Advanced" and input the specific dollar amount of the credit.
South Carolina Tax Deductions
Allowances provided to reduce taxable income are commonly known as "tax deductions" in the context of the United States tax system. Tax deductions lower your taxable income, and consequently, your tax liability. They are subtracted from your gross income, making the income subject to tax lower.
There are various types of tax deductions, including:
- Standard Deduction: A fixed amount that taxpayers can deduct from their income. The standard deduction amount varies based on the taxpayer's filing status (e.g., single, married filing jointly, etc.).
- Itemized Deductions: Specific expenses that taxpayers can itemize and deduct from their income. These include medical and dental expenses, state and local taxes (SALT), mortgage interest, charitable contributions, and others.
- Above-the-Line Deductions: Also known as adjustments to income, these deductions can be taken in addition to the standard deduction or itemized deductions. They include contributions to retirement accounts, student loan interest, educator expenses, and more.
The purpose of these deductions is to reduce the amount of income that is subject to tax, thereby lowering the overall tax burden for an individual or household. The applicable deductions can vary depending on the taxpayer's individual circumstances, financial activities, and changes in tax law.
South Carolina Tax Credits
Allowances provided to reduce the calculated income tax due are typically referred to as "tax credits" in the United States tax system. Tax credits differ from tax deductions in that they directly reduce the amount of tax owed, rather than just reducing taxable income. Here's a brief overview:
- Nonrefundable Tax Credits: These credits can bring your tax liability down to zero but won't result in a tax refund. Common examples include the Child and Dependent Care Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit.
- Refundable Tax Credits: These credits not only reduce your tax liability to zero but also allow for a refund if the credit exceeds your tax liability. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a notable example, benefiting low- and moderate-income earners.
- Partially Refundable Tax Credits: A combination of the first two types, where a part of the credit is used to reduce tax liability to zero and the remainder is refundable. The Child Tax Credit falls under this category, with certain portions being refundable under specific conditions.
Tax credits are highly valuable as they directly reduce the total tax bill, potentially leading to significant savings or even refunds. The availability and specifics of tax credits can vary based on individual circumstances and changes in tax laws.
Historic Tax Calculators for South Carolina (2014 - Present)
Our Historic Tax Calculators allow you to view tax rates and liabilities for South Carolina from 2014 up to the current year (current latest tax year integrated into the US Tax Calculator: 2025). This feature is particularly useful for long-term financial planning and understanding tax changes over the years.
Select a specific South Carolina tax calculator from the list below to calculate your annual gross salary and net take home pay after deductions for that tax year.